Around thousands of protesters took the street to protest against the Greece government’s pension reforms, accusing the newly elected government of fake promises. Reports say that the Greece government, which is facing a terrible financial-crisis, has been jolted by the giant violent-demonstrations of the strike day. The demonstrations were initially peaceful but it later turned aggressive when the police forces blocked the protesters near the Parliament building. The police authorities reportedly used force to disperse the violent crowd. It is learned that several innocent people including the Media persons, travellers and pedestrians were injured due to the unexpected confrontation between the protests and police force. The strike day saw similar kind of protest in almost all the major cities across the country. Interestingly, the demonstrations have brought together different professionals –like doctors, farmers, engineers and many more- for a single cause. The new reform is an unavoidable part of the country’s third international bailout. The government authorities claim that it is only trying to increase the social security contributions by the citizens. However, the protesters refute the government claims, saying the new reform would confiscated majority of their earnings in the name of tax and contribution policy. The one-year-old leftist government, led by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, is currently undergoing a miserable sustainable test. The protesters on today reportedly interrupted the functioning of the offices, transport services and even the essential services, like hospital. International Agencies reported that thousands of migrants are stranded in the country due to the sudden protest. Meanwhile, the International bailout inspectors had already reached the county. Despite the mounting protest against the reforms, the Greece Labour Minister is expected to meet the inspectors and deliberate on the new reforms on the scheduled time. Meanwhile, the former Greece Supremo alleges that the ruling leftist government had cheated the people and went back from their promises.
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