Brazilian police on last day booked the Facebook’s senior officer Diego Dzodan in connection with an information sharing issue. The Argentinian national is the vice president of the social media giant in Latin American region. Recently, a country court demanded information from WhatsAPP, which is owned by the social media giant, for helping a probe related to a drug mafia case. But, the Facebook authorities reportedly denied the demand in spite of repeated orders from the court. Later, the court issued an arrest warrant against the FB’s official. Meanwhile, Facebook has denounced the court’s action and says that it was a wrong decision. A court in the state of Sergipe is currently hearing the case against the Facebook. The court found that the Facebook has several times deliberately refused to corporate with the investigative team of the country. The data, which was demanded by the court, is expected to help shatter the mysterious network of the drug mafia in the country. Meanwhile, the Facebook authorities clarifies that they are willing to help the investigative officers in their investigation process. At the same time, he claims that the action against its senior officer could be avoidable. Recently, late last year, a country court had blocked the messenger app for nearly forty eight hours in the country. However, the court justified their action and said that even after repeated orders the social media giant failed to corporate with the probe.
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