A survey conducted by a United Nation’s agency reveals that Danes are the happiest people in the world while embattled Burundians are the least happy people. According to report, the survey authorities secured information from nearly thousand citizens of each nation. It is learned that they were quizzed on a series of questions which were consciously made for calculating several factors- including personal freedom level, philanthropic characteristics level, life expectancy and medical security level, GDP growth level, corruption level and some more. As per the data, each parameter of the happiness carries ten equal marks. And, they were pasted after analysing the citizen’s replay on questions. Interestingly, in predominant of the cases, higher the rate of inequality lower is the rate of happiness. It is found that the top ten positions have not shown any major any fluctuation when compared to last year’s report even if they has undergone some position shuffles. Still, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland have been eligibly seated in the top positions by the survey report. Unfortunately, we Indians, the world’s powerful democratic nation, could not even grab a position in the top hundred lists. We were pushed far behind our neighbours. Notably, the war-shattered Syria has marked much more promising position in the list than that of Burundians. It is learned that Syria scored much-better marks in the health parameters than Burundi, Afghan, and Iraq. However, it seems that American and European regions are far-better than Asian and African region when it comes to happiness ratio.
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