Giving hopes to India’s ‘arms export’ dreams, the developing nation is likely to become the member of Missile Technology Control Regime. Reports say that the powerful international group comprising of nearly thirty four nationals has unanimously approved the country bid to enter the group. It is learned that the United States and all major western powers have strongly backed the India’s move. A high level meeting of MTCR is expected to happen at Seoul on later this year. After the high-authority conference, the respective authorities will officially declare the details regarding our membership. A source reportedly claimed that the matter is presently going through some procedural formalities. It added that we are aggressively nearing towards the target. With the accomplishment of the mission, we will be empowered to purchase and sell the high-level missile technology from the world powers. It seems that PM Modi’s visit to the US has contributed an unexpected boost to the Into-US relations. We have become a close defence partner of the United States, says expert. It will strengthen our internal security and counter terrorism mechanisms, he added. Currently, our country owns wide range of powerful missiles including Agni, Brahmos, Pritivi and many more. However, it is not yet clear how much impact the MTCR membership could make on the India’s ‘NSG membership request’. China has been opposing our ‘Nuclear Supply Group’ membership-request, pointing on the security concerns. Anyway, US government’s support over the issue gives hope to our NSG membership dream.
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