Over 50 killed and several others injured in Orlando shooting

Around fifty innocent people have been killed and several others injured in a brutal gunman attack happened at a guy night club in Orlando. The International Medias identified the gunman as Omar Mateen, an Afghan origin. It is the worst mass shooting in recent history of the United States. Police sources reportedly clarified that the suspect may be motivated by some radical ideologies. It added that it is a clear case of terrorism. Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, popularly known as IS, an Islamic terror organisation, has claimed the responsibility of the brutal massacre.    It is learned that a detail investigation over the incident has already started, and is progressing in the positive direction. As per latest information, a state of emergency has been declared in the province on the wake of the shocking terror attack. Regional Medias reported that the incident put entire city in shock and dismay. They added that several people have gathered around the hospital in search of their relatives and loved ones. Earlier, in 2007, around thirty seven people were killed in a terrible gun-attack happened at Virginia Tech University. According to a survey report, the United States had suffered nearly three hundred and seventy-two mass shooting in last year alone. The repeated shooting incidences are raising serious questions on the internal security measures of the world’s most powerful, and technically advanced, nation. Meanwhile, US president Barak Obama described it as a heart breaking situation, and asserted that an attack on a citizen is an attack on all Americans. Notably, some regional medias reported as gunman’s ex-wife as saying, Mateen is mentally unstable. Interestingly, Mateen’s family members also resisted similar statement, denouncing all possibilities of an ideologically motivated attack.


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