Corporate Bliss and Therapeutic Zeal: The Dual Roles of Nivedya Sohan Roy

In the realm of professionals who seamlessly navigate various domains, Nivedya Sohan Roy stands out as a luminary, showcasing expertise in Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, Clinical Hypnotherapy, and holistic life coaching, along with running a dental and aesthetic clinic. As the daughter of Sir Sohan Roy, the CEO and founder of Aries Group of Companies, her journey is a captivating tapestry of accomplishments and impactful contributions.

Navigating Career Shifts: From Naval Architecture to Therapeutic Expertise

Nivedya’s academic journey began at the University of Southampton in the UK, where she pursued Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture. However, she soon realized that her true passion lay elsewhere. Inspired by a childhood dream of becoming a psychologist, she decided to explore Clinical Hypnotherapy alongside her marine engineering career. Through extensive research and dedicated study, she seamlessly transitioned into the world of therapy, exploring modalities like handwriting analysis, transpersonal regression therapy, and energy work.

Integrating Engineering Background into Therapeutic Approach

One might wonder how an engineering background aligns with therapeutic practices. According to Nivedya, the key lies in the approach to problem-solving. Her engineering skills of examining issues from various perspectives have proven invaluable in identifying the root causes of emotional and mental health challenges. Hypnotherapy, contrary to misconceptions, involves delving into the origin of issues, posing the right questions, and guiding clients effectively.

Nivedya Sohan Roy

Podcasting, Hypnotherapy, and DAM999: A Multifaceted Portfolio

Nivedya’s achievements extend to podcasting, where she’s recognized among the top 7 podcasters, showcasing expertise in hypnotherapy, holistic well-being, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Her contributions to the film DAM999, a poignant tribute to the 1975 Banqiao Dam disaster, have received global acclaim, with selections and awards at prestigious events, including the Oscars.

Hypnotherapy in Healing Chronic Conditions

In addressing chronic pain or diseases, Nivedya emphasizes the emotional root causes often linked to physical ailments. Hypnotherapy, with its focus on regression and accessing the subconscious mind, aims to release stored emotions, allowing energy meridians to regain their flow and promoting rapid healing.

Strategies for Anxiety and Addiction: The Hypnotherapy Approach

For anxiety, Nivedya delves into the root cause, restoring the parasympathetic nervous system. Addiction, she notes, often arises from unfulfilled aspects of life, and hypnotherapy aims to identify and address these root causes, guiding clients toward a healthier perspective and reduced reliance on addictive behaviors.

Addressing Skepticism Surrounding Hypnotherapy

Acknowledging skepticism around hypnotherapy, Nivedya clarifies that its effectiveness lies in tapping into the subconscious mind, where logical solutions for life’s challenges are stored. She highlights its success in treating conditions like stress, fears, and phobias by altering thought patterns and behaviors.

Measuring Success in Therapeutic Practice

For Nivedya, success is measured by the transformative cases she handles, particularly those referred by other professionals. Cases involving conditions like IBS, psoriasis, autoimmune diseases, and eating disorders showcase hypnotherapy’s effectiveness in providing relief where other avenues may have failed.

Nivedya Sohan Roy

Balancing Corporate Responsibilities and Therapeutic Practice

As the Chief Happiness Officer of the Aries Group’s Happiness Division, Nivedya balances her corporate responsibilities with her therapeutic practice through meticulous time management. Structured time blocks enable her to contribute meaningfully to both roles, ensuring productivity and attention where needed.

Father’s Influence: Nivedya’s Resilient and Solution-Focused Approach

Nivedya acknowledges her father’s influence, highlighting his hyper-efficiency, growth-oriented mindset, and emphasis on proactive problem-solving. His leadership at Aries Group has instilled in her a belief that every problem has a solution, shaping her resilient and solution-focused approach. Employing a distinctive methodology, he leverages EFFISM, a software he developed. This groundbreaking tool serves as a cornerstone in the organizational structure, enhancing efficiency and guaranteeing peak performance across every department.

Diverse Experiences Shaping Investment Approach

Nivedya’s diverse background in naval architecture, hypnotherapy, and entrepreneurship informs her approach to investments. Ventures like Wolf/Tenshield Airmasks, AM Health Hub, and Cliniqally reflect her passion for innovation and accessibility in healthcare.

Building Resilience in Entrepreneurship

Facing rejections from an early age, Nivedya credits her resilience to her father’s unwavering support. She sees rejection as an opportunity for growth, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging emotions but channeling them into finding solutions.

Balancing Personal Joy with Professional Responsibilities

Outside of work, Nivedya finds joy in physical activities, dance, and spending time with family and dogs. Her passion for outdoor pursuits and yoga complements her busy professional life, providing a balance between personal interests and responsibilities.

Advice for Aspiring Leaders in a Dynamic Environment

Nivedya encourages young professionals to embrace a growth mindset, cultivate resilience, and dive headfirst into challenges. Learning as you go, adapting strategies based on analysis, and staying dynamic are key to navigating entrepreneurial journeys successfully.

Nivedya’s ability to seamlessly navigate through fields as varied as naval architecture, hypnotherapy, and entrepreneurship reflects a rare blend of versatility and determination. In every professional endeavor, Nivedya brings a touch of grace, evident in her approach to problem-solving and her dedication to the well-being of others. Her resilience, shaped by overcoming challenges and rejection, serves as a beacon for aspiring professionals facing hurdles in their own journeys.

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