Some recent developments in the Iran’s policies indicate the country is planning to create an unbiased workplace in favour of the women who are presently being suppressed by the rigid Islamic law and the male-dominated system. Iranian supremo Hassan Rouhani, who is widely acclaimed for his pro-women policies, decided to postpone the annual civil service examination due to concerns about discrimination against women. It is learned that he ordered the concerned officials to verify whether the new job offers are ensuring an unbiased platform. It is said that the judiciary and military forces, which are controlled by the Islamic hardliners, often refuse to offer the job opportunity to women. Mr Rouhani, who has a track record of women-friendly policies, has appointed several women officials in the key administrative and decision-making positions.
During his regime, he appointed the first women foreign envoy, Marzieh Afkham, and the first women environment minister, Masoumeh Ebtekar. Even though, since the Islamic revolution in 1979 the female literacy rate and graduation ratio has improved considerably, it has not made much difference in the workplace gender ratio. Still, the women in the country, just like other Islamic countries, are suppressed with the hardliner thoughts and inflexible laws. A recent survey report reveals that only 12% of the Iranian women are in active employment. Recently, some top International Medias had broadcasted several stories exposing the cruelty of Islamic hardliner laws. In one such story, they showcased the miserable story of Iranian women’s football team caption Niloufar Ardalan, who was stopped from attending an International match because she failed to get permission from her husband to travel abroad with her team.
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