The Karnataka police have busted a high profile sex racket, which operated through some beauty parlours across the state. The raids have taken place in some beauty parlours situated in Bengaluru (the state capital) and Mysuru (the state cultural capital). The authorities have arrested those ladies who were running these beauty parlours. In the raid taken place in the Bengaluru based beauty parlour, a Karnataka woman and two North East women have been rescued. It has been revealed that the rescued masseuses were forced into the sex trade by the owner of the beauty parlour. An FIR has been charged against the owners of the beauty parlours where the raids have taken place.
Surprisingly, there are rumours that the police authorities have secured some significant information from the dairies ceased from the beauty parlours. It is said that those diaries have contact numbers of those highly powerful people including politicians and police officials who helped to run the racket and the money the members of illicit racket paid to those people in order to safely carry out their business activities.
It is believed that those arrested are the prime members of the high profile sex rackets in the state. The arrestees, as per the preliminary assumption, have close relations with the interstate sex rackets.
During the raids, the authorities have seized several valuable evidences including EVMs, bills and documents.
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