Labour party marks an astonishing victory in London elections

Labour Party returned to rule in UK’s capital city after eight years with an astonishing victory in regional elections. Sadiq Khan, the son of a Pakistani driver, regains the prestigious position for the Labour Party after a landslide victory against conservatives, and becomes first Muslim mayor of the city. It was a tight election, says expert. Zac Goldsmith, who represents Conservative Party, son of the late multi-billionaire Sir James Goldsmith, has grabbed a good share of votes and demonstrated a tight competition. It is learned that the high turnout in the regional election has helped the Labour leader to grab an impressive victory. Much before the official declaration of the result, Jeremy Corbyn, a prominent Labour Party leader, expressed his happiness and welcomed his fellow friend into the London’s administrative scenario. Khan was a former human rights lawyer. Since 2005, he is active in political hemisphere, and was a MP from Tooting. Experts say that the mayor of the city can exercise his control on police, transport, housing and planning, and environment. However, the new victory is providing hope to the ailing Labour Party and its leaders as the country is scheduled to confront a general election on 2020. Meanwhile, the leftist party has lost its ground in local election across the country particularly in Scottish regions.



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