Hours after the announcement of stricter UN sanction against the iron-curtain country, North Korean forces have used projectiles to express their anger, claims South Korea. It is said that the forces fired the projectiles into the sea from the east coast of the country at around 1 GMT. However, the agencies have not yet verified the authenticity of the allegation which was levelled against North Korea by its traditional rival South Korea. Earlier on last day, the UN authorities unanimously approved the motion to impose sanction on North Korea on the wake of its aggressive military initiatives. According to the reports, it is the toughest ever sanction applied on a country by the United Nations Security agencies. Even though the UN had earlier imposed similar sanctions against North Korea, it had a less-severe impact on the country’s economy. But, this time, things changed dramatically. Securing China’s approval was a big hindrance before the UN. When it gained that one, rest everything became a mere procedure.It is learned that China took a bit long time to decide on whether to support the UN’s action against its long-time ally or not. Anyway, at the end, they came with a positive ‘yes.’ The recent nuclear test and the missile test of North Korea have badly provoked the world powers. It has prompted the world body to block the resources of the country. The sanction will paste severe restrictions on trade. It is said that each and every consignments and cargos, which is flowing into the country and out of the land, would be thoroughly screened by the member countries of UN. And, in addition to that UN has already blacklisted nearly sixteen individuals and at least twelve organisations of the iron-curtain country. Except medicine and food, North Koreans will suffer a drastic shortage in every other raw materials and products; it ranges from luxury to daily essentials.The US hopes that with this powerful sanction UN can curtail the aggressive military actions of the communist dictatorial country. As usual, South Koreans have wholeheartedly welcomed the actions against its rival.
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