While announcing the Railway Budget in the parliament, Central Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu indicated that the country is going to witness radical changes in the railway administration and all together approach. Averting from the traditional way of presentation, he mostly stressed on polices and projects of the railway department. For his predecessors, the budget was a way to satisfy their allies and peer groups. As a result of that some states had attained more benefits than the others in the earlier budgets. But, now, it seems that the things have radically changed. It was evident throughout the budget presentation. Some of innovative suggestions that are put forward by the Railway Budget imply that the nation is keen to try scientific management system in the Indian Rail administration.
According to the report, our Railway is planning to organise an analysis committee to optimize decision making system. It is learned that the committee will seek support from trained professionals, experienced persons and country’s best optimisation agencies. Remarkably, the budget has allocated nearly fifty crores to promote innovations. The proposed fund will be utilised to support start-ups and employees who are capable enough to provide outstanding innovative ideas for the altogether development of the Indian Railway. Recently, the Railway department had constituted an innovative committee to suggest most-suitable changes that are capable enough to grand relevant transformation to the Rail sector. Later, the ministry had successfully inducted Ratan Tata as the head of the innovation committee. Meanwhile, it is said that the centre will give immense attention to improve the accessibility and digitalisation of the Railways. It is even look forward to improve the capacity of the coaches, indicates reports. In his budget speech, the Railway Minister announced his plan to unveil innovation labs inside every railway workshops. He expects creative contributions from staffs and citizens for uplifting the railway. As per the budget, the government is set to open WI-FI services in nearly hundred stations this year. And, it may introduce the facility in four-hundred more stations next year. Reports say that the authorities have successfully reached an agreement with Google regarding the WI-FI implementation. In addition to all these, the government is soon to release two mobile apps in order to deliver quality service to the customers. It is said that one of the app would deals with the ticket services like booking, cancellation, statistics, and many more. And the other one would deal with the complaints, report added. There will be facilities for online registration of complaints and grievances, report further added.
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