Ransomware attacks computers, shatters networks











A dangerous virus, named Ransomware, has adversely affected the computers and shattered networks.According to the report, this virus has been originally developed by the US National Security Agency. It is said that an illicit hacker group, named ‘The Shadow Brokers’, have stolen this virus from the NSA and sold it online to random buyers.This incident has led to the widespread circulation of this virus in the world. So far, the virus has attacked the computers of nearly ninety-nine countries around the world. According to the report, the virus has affected several top organisations such as the UK’s National Health Service. The countries which are worst affected by the virus are Russia, Germany, UK, US, Spain, China and Italy.

The twitter handles operating by the affected institutions have posted the photo of their official pages which have been affected by the virus attack. Unlike other viruses, this virus is said to be using a different modus operandi to attack the computers and networks. Compared to other viruses, this virus has a high incubation period and its phase of travelling around the network is slow. Meanwhile, it is noted that a UK-based cyber security research firm has claimed that it has partially killed the virus accidentally. Anyway, it seems that this is the high time for us to think more seriously about the cyber security issues as the new generation is extremely dependent on the digital technology.


Photo Courtesy : Google/ images are subject to copyright
