Showcasing a remarkable performance, Kei Nishikori has unexpectedly defeated Andy Murray in the US Open Quarterfinal match. An international media house reported that the rain distracted the Olympic gold medallist. After the first set, he lost his concentration, the media report added. Meanwhile, Novak Djokovic, another tennis legend, passed his Quarterfinals match as a knee injury had forced his opponent, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, to retire. Anyway, Djokovic has an upper hand over Tsonga as he had won nearly 13 matches of his last 14 matches played against the French champion. One of the oldest tennis tournaments, US Open, started on August 29. It will end on September 11. On previous year, Djokovic and Flavia Pennetta were the champions of the US Open. It is not yet clear whether they will defend their title effectively. This year, in the women’s singles matches, Serena Williams crushed the Romanian player, Simona Halep. The score board reads; 6-2; 4-6; 6-3. The winner will face Czech player Karolina Pliskova on September 9. It is an unfortunate thing that the Sania Mirza could not win her Quarterfinal match. However, on coming days, the tournament will witness some of the extraordinary performance. The fans and sports enthusiast are eagerly waiting for the matches.
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