North Koreans again set for a big scientific breakthrough


After the controversial Hydrogen bomb test, North Korea is gearing up for a space launch or, may be, missile test.
As usual, the iron-curtain communist country had not yet disclosed the plan to the Medias ahead of the launch.
But, the global imaging system had detected some kind of missile near the Sohae Satellite Launching Station.
Meanwhile, an International Media reported as a source as saying; the country is planning for a space-launch and it will happen within few days. In contrary to the findings, South Korea alleges that the country is trying to build a long-run missile and it is a threat to the peaceful world. However, the source ridiculed the allegation and said that SK didn’t have such plans. The new was initially reported by the Japanese Media agencies. It quoted a Japanese official to increase the authenticity of the news. Earlier, in 2012, North Korea had tried to launch a weather satellite and the effort was a huge success, according to the NK’s state-run-Medias. Ahead of that launch, there were similar allegations about a potential missile test. However, the dictatorial-nation had recently achieved an amazing improvement in their defence sector when it successfully tested their fourth hydrogen bomb on early January. But, the aggressive action had invited greater disapproval against the nation; and later, the UN imposed stricter sanction against the country.


Photo Courtesy : Google/ images may be subject to copyright
