Pope Francis condemns Mexican drug trade

While addressing a huge mass in Mexico, Pope Francis on last day condemned the infamous Mexican-drug-trade. Reports say that around three lakh people attended the giant mass that was held at a violent distorted city in the country. Pope is on a five-day peace-visit to the Central American country. According to a report, at least one million people were subjected to some kind of drug violence in the country. The people who are living in the densely populated regions were most vulnerable to the violence. Among those badly affected victims, predominance of them is, unfortunately, women.  International Medias reported that the people expressed extreme hope in the prayers conducted by the highest priest in the world. They remarked him as the messenger of peace, report added. In the conclusion speech, Pope tried to enlighten the inner strength of the people and urged them to transform their nation into a land of opportunities. Government records claims that at least one lakh people were killed and around twenty seven thousand people were vanished in the violence since the implementation of stronger action against drug-mafias. Even more disturbing factor is that at least thousand five-hundred women had been disappeared since 2005. To counter the pathetic situation, the Mexican government had recently announced stronger steps to ensure women’s safety. Meanwhile, some feminist groups claim that it was unfortunate that pope didn’t condemn violence against women.  However, the Vatican supremo got a fabulous welcome in Mexico. It is learned that he found time to interact with children and visited some child hospitals.


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