United States President Donald Trump has expressed his dislike towards the the controversial chokehold method – which is used to restrain some suspects.
He has said the chokehold method should generally speaking be ended.
Certain US police forces have already decided to ban chokeholds, the custodial death of a black man has brought the forces to a difficult state.
For last few days, the country has been witnessing severe protests over the custodial killing of the black man, demanding that the country should support Racial Justice.
It was a chokehold by a white police officer that took the life of the black man.
The statement of the US President has come at a time the US parliament is preparing to bring in a law to dilute the power of the police forces in the country.
The statement is regarded as an open support from the part of the President towards the effort to dilute the powers of the police forces.
Notably, in the statement, he has not completely denounced the controversial method. He has said that in some rare cases the method is necessary.
From the statement, it is difficult to understand right what is in the mind of the President of the United States on the matter of the dilution of the powers of the US forces.
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