China puts pressure on NK


Acknowledging the fact that the North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests are dangerous to the peaceful existence of the people in the world, the Chinese government, which earlier hesitated to impose a stiff sanction on the iron curtain country, has finally decided to put severe pressure on the politically ostracised nation by slashing down its oil supply and banning its textile import.

China is the one and only trading partner of the NK regime and is the prime source of hard currency, though the Russians often come to rescue the embattled regime in difficult times.

The textile materials are the second biggest export item of the poor country. The ban on its trade is likely to inflict huge injury to the country’s economy.

Recently, in the wake of the NK’s most disastrous nuclear test, the United Nations imposed severe sanctions on its textiles and petroleum sectors. When the sanction resolution was proposed, Russia and China initially opposed it. Later, the world powers agreed to the sanction resolution as the UN decided to dilute the provisions of the resolution.

It is said that the NK representative will speak in the United Nations General Assembly today.

It is suggested that the US and NK should take initiative to de-escalate the tension in the Korean peninsula.

Last day, an article published on our website revealed how the tensions in the region impact the innocent children who know nothing about the war which is the result of the adult’s irresponsible behaviour.


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