British and Sweden government on last day denied the UN findings that the WikiLeaks founder was under a forced detention, and they urged for the early implementation of extradition. Considering a forceful detention allegation of WikiLeaks founder Jurlian Assange against UK government, a UN panel had recently announced a verdict in favour of the petitioner. Reports say that the verdict is questioning the credibility of the European’s allegations against the Australian investigative journalist. In 2010, Sweden had issued an international arrest warrant against Assange over a sexual attack case. However, Assange denied the allegations and evaded the arrest and extradition move; and secured an asylum in Ecuador Embassy in UK. Assange suspects that he may be extradited to the United States if the United Kingdom government would extradite him to Sweden. The WikiLeaks had earlier published several defence documents and classified details of the White House. The investigative website’s several revelations had often put the top nation in the defenceless state. However, UK’s top official says that the government can ignore the recommendations made by the UN panel. It indicates that the UK government would make further efforts to arrest and extradite the WikiLeaks founder. Meanwhile, the Sweden government has not made serious comment on the UN panel’s verdict. It is learned that Assange is suffering from serious health issues, and he is not even able to meet his doctor due to the legal issues. He claims that he is undergoing serious physical and mental discomfort. However, the verdict has increased the public support to the ailing journalist.
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