European leaders visit their Irma affected Caribbean territories


Shutting the mouth of the critics who have been repeatedly saying since the Caribbean territories of the European countries were affected by the devastating Hurricane –Hurricane Ima- that no action has been taken by the European leaders to bring relief to their subjects living in the Caribbean region during or in the aftermath of the unprecedented natural disaster, the European leaders, such as French President Emmanuel Macron, UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson and the King of Netherlands, have visited the territories with hand full of offers.

In the aforementioned European countries’ Caribbean territories, nearly twenty-three people have been killed due to the disastrous natural disaster.

The Hurricane has inflicted severe damage on the properties in the region. Experts say that without the assistance of the European government, it is impossible for these Caribbean lands to rebuild the infrastructure.

Anyway, the French supremo has assured that the country will help their disaster hit oversea territories to rebuild their infrastructure, prompting other European leaders to make similar offers.

Recently, the European countries sent their rescue team into their Caribbean territory in order to carry out rescue and relief operations.

There were reports that the European countries only sent a limited number of rescue operators into these region given the fact that it is the first time most of these Caribbean territories, which have a primitive disaster management infrastructure, facing this kind of huge Hurricane.


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