The Fox news chief, Roger Ailes, had on last day stepped down from the prestigious position after several news presenters accused him of sexual harassment. Without mentioning the exact reason, Mr Ailes’s resignation was formally announced by the parent company of Fox news channel, 21st Century Fox, on last day. Notably, nowhere in the statement, the company quoted details about the alleged sexual harassment. Instead, the company formally thanked him for his remarkable contribution. Meanwhile, the company assures that it is committed to upholding values and to maintaining a respectful work environment. In his resignation letter to the Fox news, Mr Ailes reportedly asserted he is not willing to distract the company or its functions.
He was the supremo of the America’s largest cable news network since its birth in 1996. Through his dedication and hard work, he transformed the company into one of the leading cable networks in the country within a short span of time. He is an adherent Republican. Over these years, the channel became a powerful campaigning tool of the Republican Party. The things went a rough turn, when a senior news presenter, Gretchen Carlson, boldly raised severe sexual-harassment allegations over him. Immediately after the initial allegation, some former news presenters of Fox news, including Megyn Kelly, have also revealed similar allegations about their painful experience. However, Mr Ailes has denied all allegations, raised against him by his employees.
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