The United States has arrested a former Mexican minister, Genaro Garcia Luna, as his connection with a notorious Mexican-based drug cartel has been identified.
He has been charged with the crime of allowing the Sinaloa cartel, led by El Chapo Guzman, to operate in Mexico by accepting bribes from the cartel.
The arrest of the man, who was once regarded as the fearless fighter against drug gangs, has shocked many in the country.
The arrested ex-minister has denied the charge levelled against him by the United States authority.
Mr. Luna is a very powerful political leader in Mexico. His arrest is likely to create a huge crisis in the Mexican political hemisphere.
Mr. Luna was known for his fearless fights against the drug cartels in the country. It was during his period several cartels were crushed by the Mexican authority with the help of force.
As per the US’ findings, the ex-minister has even accepted bribes in person from the members of the said drug cartel.
The leader of the said drug cartel is at present under the custody of the United State authority.
Mexico is a Latin American country which shares borders with the United States. It also serves as a prefect transit point to the drugs sent targeting the US. The country has a well functional network of drug criminals.
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