Citing some personal reasons, the most popular National Front leader and the Member of Parliament, Marion Marechal-Le Pen, who is the niece of FN leader Marine Le Pen and the granddaughter of FN founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, has, as per the report of a French Media, decided to detach herself from the politics. Many see her as a future supreme leader and future presidential candidate of the FN, which propagates far-rightist ideologies. It is learned that she wants to spend more time with her family and her daughter that is why she has taken such a drastic step.
Notably, she is one of the two MPs the far-rightist party have. Many believe that her plan to quit the politics might adversely affect the FN which has recently faced a defect during the French Presidential election. The party authorities have neither acknowledged the report nor made a public statement regarding the report. It is important to note that the departure of the leader who has stiff hardline ideologies has potential to change the course of the National Front. Experts say that the FN leaders would put pressure on the young MP asking her to review her stand on the decision regarding departure. At this moment, it is not yet clear whether any internal political issues force her to take such an extreme step. Anyway, at this crucial political juncture, the first priority of the party will be to avoid any dissident voices and internal disputes among its members as the country is going to witness a parliament election next month.
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