Germany prepares to break all ties with Turkey


In one of the most unfortunate political developments happening in the European continent, the German government is slowing detaching itself from the Turkish government ruled by an authoritarian regime. Since the failed coup, the situation is not good in Turkey. The country has been witnessing a terrible political turmoil for the last few months, with several people who are allegedly showing loyalty to an exiled cleric languishing in the jail. Germany has strongly criticised Turkey when it has executed the, so called, ‘witch hunt’, the terrible crackdown. But, when the Turkish authorities have detained a German journalist and Amnesty International’s Director, the situation has worsened further. Peter Steudtner, the German Citizen, who has been detained by the Turkey, has been even denied the consular access. It seems that the more aggressive move has come in the wake of these developments. The German companies and citizens who are investing and working in Turkey have been warned that the Arab nation is unsafe due to the unpleasant political situation prevailing there. It is clear that Ankara is not happy with the new development. The country has retorted that Berlin is trying to interfere in their internal issues. Anyway, it is learned that Ankara has already ditched their dream of getting into the European Union. It is not clear how long the Turkish dictator can ignore the threat posed by one of the most powerful countries of the west. Anyway, No European country other than Russia- which is comparatively a weaker nation- will come to the rescue of the Turkey if the issue runs up into a difficult situation such as a war or a severe economic blockade.


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