Aiming to uplift the marginalised workers of the unorganised labour sector, the labour ministry of the Indian government on last day announced that they would introduce a smart card scheme for the ailing workers. Reports say that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to unveil the labour ministry’s scheme within a month. The scheme may benefit at least forty crore labourers who are currently suffering due to the unavailability of a social security project. The proposed scheme will deliver pensions, health insurance and other social security benefits to these people. While speaking to the Medias at a conference, Labour Minister Bandaru Dattatreya announces that PM Modi would unveil the Unorganised Workers Identification Number Card project with in a month. He claims that he had already discussed the matter with the supremo. He asserts that the card is aiming to provide social security benefits to all labours who are uncovered by EPFO and ESCI schemes, which is providing social security benefits to the organised labours. According to the report, the new card holders can easily acquire benefits from RSBY, AABY, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana and Jeeven Jyothi Bima Yojana schemes because the UWIN card will coordinate all these benefits in a single card. Meanwhile, the labour minister revels that the entire process of issuing cards would take at least two years. It is learned that the labour department will enrol ten crore workers in the initial phase of the registration process. Experts say that the process would benefit the unorganised workers of our society who are omitted from the formal organised groups
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