Human rights suffer severe threat globally: says Amnesty International


The annual report released by the Amnesty International indicates that the human rights are rapidly diluting in order to strengthen the counter attacking measures. It reveals that the rights are often denied or withheld in the regions where the security forces are said to be defending the terror outfits like IS and Boko Haram. The report criticized that those organisations and nations which are supposed to protect the rights of human beings are themselves indulging in the violating activates. According to the report, nearly hundred and thirteen countries are intentionally restricting free speech and expression including media activities. Last year, the world witnessed one of its biggest massive displacements since the mass displacement that happened after the Second World War, says report. The report invites attention on the armed force’s violence, pointing the vulnerability of armed force violence in at least thirty six countries. The report featured several shocking facts, and it is expected to invite strong discussions and deliberations over the unpleasant realties. The Amnesty International, an international human rights organisation, reportedly asserts that their annual report is an authentic and accountable report and a clear warning to the world community. In the report, the Amnesty strongly criticised those European nations that showed a blind eye towards the migrant crisis. At the same time, they denounced France’s emotional reaction towards Syria after the terror attack in Paris.   The report identifies that the blacks are still suffering under the American rule and they are often badly suppressed in an authoritarian manner, report claims.


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