India unhappy with WFF report on ‘Modern Slavery’


As the ‘Modern Slavery’ report created by the Walk Free Foundation has avoided the details regarding India, our government has expressed unhappiness openly to the International Labour Organisation for which the Australian-based non-government organisation has conducted the survey.

In order to express the disagreement in strong words, the India Labour Ministry has sent a letter to the ILO.

The aforesaid report titled ‘Global Estimate of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriages 2017’, which was publicised on September 19, as what the name suggests, gives a clear insight on how many people are living under the clutches of slavery in this world due to the issue of forced labour and forced marriages.

A national media has reported that the Intelligence Bureau earlier informed the concerned authority about the survey.

The media report has added that the IB warned the authorities about the potential hurt such a survey could make on India’s image.

There are reports that several others International organisations have conducted several similar surveys in India.

Has our society broken all branches of ‘Modern Slavery’? Do we fear such an International survey?

It is necessary that the responsible International organisations articulate a feasible policy to eliminate all miseries associated with this evil concept- called ‘Modern Slavery’.


Vignesh. S. G

Photo Courtesy: Google/ images are subject to copyright 
