Los Angeles police have announced the arrests of four individuals in connection with the shooting death of former “General Hospital” actor Johnny Wactor. The suspects, identified as 18-year-olds Robert Barceleau, Leonel Gutierrez, and Sergio...
Varsha Reddy from Telangana has claimed the title of Mrs. South India 2024, with Kerala’s Revathy Mohan as the first runner-up and Drishya D Nair, also from Kerala, securing the second runner-up position. Presented...
On August 13, 2024, the prestigious Manappuram Multibillionaire Business Achiever (MBA) Award ceremony, conceptualized by Dr. Ajit Ravi of Pegasus, was held at Le Meridien, Coimbatore. This celebrated event recognized exceptional business leaders for...
The 22nd Miss South India 2024 title organized by Pegasus Global Private Limited in a joint venture of DQUE Soap and Alcazar Watches belongs to Cinda Padamadan from Kerala. Harsha Haridas from Kerala became...
Boston Red Sox outfielder Jarren Duran issued an apology on Sunday night after using a homophobic slur directed at a heckler during a game against the Houston Astros at Fenway Park. The incident occurred...
The FBI has launched an investigation into claims by Donald Trump’s presidential campaign that the Iranian government hacked its internal communications. The investigation comes after the campaign reported that Microsoft informed them of the...
American gymnast Jordan Chiles has been ordered to return her bronze medal from the floor exercise at the Paris 2024 Olympics after the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) voided the inquiry that initially...
The 16th Manappuram Multibillionaire Business Achiever (MBA) Award will honor five distinguished business leaders from Tamil Nadu at a grand ceremony on August 13 at Le Meridien Hotel in Coimbatore. The esteemed recipients will...
Algerian boxer Imane Khelif triumphed at the Paris Olympics, capturing the gold medal in the women’s welterweight division with a decisive 5:0 victory over China’s Yang Liu. Khelif’s win, celebrated fervently by Algerian supporters...
In a significant move, the Biden administration has announced plans to bar the sale of antivirus software produced by Russia’s Kaspersky Lab in the United States. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo stated that Russia’s influence...