Robin Sharma, renowned leadership guru and author of the acclaimed book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari,” once said, “The great and glorious legacy of a human being is to live with purpose.” This...
James Darren, the actor and singer who became a teen idol in the 1960s with his role as Moondoggie in the hit film “Gidget,” passed away at the age of 88. Darren died peacefully...
The Manappuram Unique Times Business Excellence Awards have been announced, recognizing outstanding achievements across various business sectors. These prestigious awards honor individuals who have demonstrated exceptional performance and leadership within their respective industries. In...
The 21st edition of the Manappuram Minnalai Media Awards, conceptualized by Dr. Ajit Ravi, is set to recognize remarkable achievements in journalism across various categories. Celebrated as a symbol of excellence in the media...
Artem Chigvintsev, a dancer known for appearing on “Dancing with the Stars,” was arrested in Yountville, Northern California, on Thursday morning. The arrest followed a 911 call reporting an incident of domestic violence, according...
Former Clark County public administrator Robert Telles was sentenced to life in prison on Wednesday for the murder of investigative journalist Jeff German. The jury found Telles guilty of first-degree murder after a two-day...
Juan Izquierdo, a 27-year-old Uruguayan soccer player, tragically passed away on Tuesday at São Paulo’s Hospital Albert Einstein, five days after collapsing during a Copa Libertadores match. The Nacional defender experienced a cardiac arrhythmia...
Rapper Sean Kingston and his mother, Janice Turner, pleaded not guilty to charges of defrauding multiple businesses of over $1 million during a Monday arraignment before Broward Circuit Judge Ernest Kollra. The Sun Sentinel...
Pop sensation Justin Bieber and his wife, Hailey Bieber, have announced the arrival of their first child. On Friday, Justin took to Instagram to share the joyous news, posting a heartwarming photo of Hailey...
The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has stopped accepting court orders for changing gender markers on state-issued IDs and driver’s licenses, effective August 20, 2024. The decision follows concerns the Texas Attorney General’s...