In a bid to find a feasible solution to the issues related to the sedimentation, the central government’s Ministry of Water Resource, River Development, and Ganga Rejuvenation has released a draft policy on the sediment management.
The policy not only evaluates the impact of sand mining and land encroachment and the construction of dams and other constructions on the issue of the sedimentation but also suggests some methods through which the sediments can be managed.
The dams, though provide water and electricity to lakhs and lakhs of people across the country, reduce the speed of water flowing through the river in which it is constructed and, thus, lead to the increase in the land elevation.
The river water’s inability to remove the sediment deposits is the prime reason for the aggradation.
The sand mining, to an extent, helps to bring the situation under control. But, the unscientific sand mining leads to several disasters.
The scientific dredging or mining is the only way through which the issue can be resolved.
The new policy discusses all necessary steps which are needed to be taken to resolve the issue of sedimentation. It attempts to make the sediment management an integral part of the river development.
Vignesh. S. G
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