The Rome’s mayor, Virginia Raggi, who is the member of the Five Star Movement, has stiffened her stand on the migration issue, saying her city is not ready to take in any more migrants. She claims that if she takes in more migrants into her city, it could create social tensions among the citizens. Many see this as tactics played by the protest party which came into power triggering the anti-establishment and anti-corruption sentiment. Notably, the party has demonstrated a below satisfactory performance in the local election even though the current trend has been in favour of the anti-establishment forces. As per the observer’s view, identifying its inability to attract more supporters the party has included the anti-migrant slogan along with their anti-establishment and anti-corruption slogans. It is analysed that by including an aggressive slogan the party could attract more voters in the Italian general election.
The Five Star party is one of the most successful, as well as youngest, political parties of the country. It is learned that the party initially emerged as an anti-corruption movement, the Five Star Movement. The party has a firm anti-establishment, anti-EU and pro-rightist attitude. The raising number of migrants has become one of the prime problems of the country in the recent times. The number of migrants in the country has started increasing rapidly in the recent time, as some EU member countries like Poland, Chez Republic and Hungary have backed away from the EU agreement which asks them to take in migrants from Italy. The Five Star Movement, which tactically exploited the anti-establishment and anti-corruption sentiments, is, it seems, now trying to utilise this political opportunity emerged in the country around the migrant issue.
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