The First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, has confirmed on Today, if necessary, her government will consider conducting an Independence referendum on next year. The leader of Scottish National Party asserted that if the UK government is not willing to address the Scotland’s concerns before evoking Article 50, she would definitely consider an Independent referendum. Experts say that it was more or less like a warning to the UK government, which is not willing to create another boundary inside the country. In a statement to BBC, Ms Sturgeon strongly demanded that the UK government must address the concerns raised by the Scottish people. She also suggested a dual membership option, advocating the Scottish government’s dual membership in the EU and UK.
Meanwhile, a UK senior minister denounced the suggestion, saying the dual membership option does not make sense. However, the newly elected UK Prime Minister, Teresa May, extended willingness to hear all opinion. She reportedly asserted that her government will address all concerns before evoking article 50- the formal Brexit process. Anyway, it seems that none of the top UK leaders are willing to entertain a second independent referendum at this movement. Experts say that the Scotland is playing old pressure tactics on the ailing United Kingdom. It is evident from the Scottish National Party’s attitude that they are planning to push another referendum. If they brilliantly put their card in order, the, so called, Great Britain may, very soon, face another terrible trouble.
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