Sri Lankan admits the existence of ‘Baby Farms’


In a documentary telecasted in the Dutch television channel, it has been reported that the Sri Lankan authorities, for the first time, had confessed the existence of the ‘Baby Farms’.

The documentary program, named ‘Zembla’, normally handles investigative stories. It is said that those behind the program have done a thorough research on the subject by interviewing various stakeholders and verifying numerous government documents.

When the Zembla personals spoke to a senior minister, as part of the investigation, the minister confessed that there were several ‘Baby Farms’ in the country during the period 1980s.

It is learned that these farms were established to cater the needs of the European adoption market.

It has been discovered that as many as ten thousand children have illegally sold to this market. It has also been identified that most of the handlers of this illegal network used forged documents to legitimise the sale.

As per the findings made by the Zembla’s crew members, over four thousand children reached Netherlands through this illegal network in the period 1980s.

It has been stated that the usage of forged documents in these sales makes it difficult for those children sold to the European families to find their biological mother.


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