Opening an era of friendly bilateral relations, the United Kingdom and Argentina have decided to articulate a new formula on the Falkland issue.Around two decades before, the Latin American country and the western power had indulged in a furious war over the same issue.At the end of the ten-week long war, the British army shattered the Argentinian military forcing them to surrender voluntarily. Nearly six hundred Argentinian military officials had been killed during the war. Argentina still claims that the Falkland is geographically a part of their country and the British government is forcefully looting its resources.Anyway, the British government denied all allegations raised by the Latin American country. It still considers Falkland as one of its oversea territories.Giving wings to the British claims, the islanders, in 2013, voted to remain as a British territory.Now, the both governments have decided to work together on a range of issues related to the disputed island. Experts called it as the beginning of a new, friendly, era.
Earlier, the former Argentinian supremo, Christina Fernandez de Kirchner, had tried to block the oil drilling and shipping business run by the British companies on the island.But, the new supremo, since his induction, was trying to sort put the issue and to create a new bilateral relation with the western power.As we all know, both countries are presently not in a safe state. The Argentinian government is undergoing a worst financial crisis. At the same time, the British government is desperately trying to fix the post-Brexit issues.
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