US arrests doctor for FGM

Revealing the fact that in some regions of the United States the Female Genital Mutation is still performed even after some strict laws was enforced in order to prevent the occurrence of it by the authorities, the US officials have detained a doctor who has been allegedly performing this dangerous practice for nearly twelve years. According to the report, she has been doing this brutal practice on the children aged between six and eight. It is apparent that she has been engaged in this practice with the consent on those families in which her victims belongs that is why not a single crime related to this has not been reported against this doctor during her twelve-year-long journey.

The practice, which was banned in the US in 1996, is still practiced in countries like Egypt, Indonesia and Ethiopia. As per the UN report, nearly two hundred million girls living in our world has suffered some kind of FGM. Highlighting the need for more stricter regulations and surveillance plan, the US authorities has warned that nearly five lakh children living in the country are still vulnerable to this inhuman practice. This is not the first time such a case is reported in the United State. Earlier, an Ethiopian migrant was booked for a similar case. In that case, the victim was her own daughter. The UN authorities must launch awareness campaigns in order to eliminate this evil practices which are performed on the basis of superstitious religious beliefs, says expert.


