Winter flu prevention

Winter flu season is here, Flu activity is high in Georgia and 29 other states, USA.

According to the centres Disease Control and Prevention.  Listing out six things to know about flu prevention.

A circulating strain may not show all symptoms. One strain of the flu circling at times are hard to diagnose. Some patients are testing positive for the ache with only a fever and no other indications, which can make diagnosis more challenging. The fever should subside for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicine, such as Tylenol. If not consult with a doctor.

People should regularly practice good health hygiene, but it is especially significant now with the flu going around. wash hands regularly especially children after coming back from school.

Taking care of oneself will stand as great protection from winter illness. To keep the immunes system healthy drinking lots of fluids can fight off the flu and other germs. following a balanced diet having a good sleep and
exercise is also important.


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