Elon Musk’s Father Expresses Concerns Over Possible Assassination Amidst Controversial Article

In a recent interview, Errol Musk, father of billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, voiced his apprehension over his son’s safety, suggesting the possibility of an assassination plot. This comes in the wake of a controversial article published in The New Yorker titled ‘Elon Musk’s Shadow Rule,’ which delves into Elon Musk’s perceived influence on government decisions regarding space, Ukraine, social media, and electric vehicles.

Errol Musk criticized the article as a “hit job” and a “shadow government-sponsored opening salvo on Elon.” He likened it to “the softening up of the enemy before the actual attack” and expressed concern that his son could be a target. The article also highlighted Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter and the criticism he faced for allowing an increase in hate speech and disinformation on the platform, which he rebranded as X.

While Elon Musk has been a subject of controversy throughout his career, this recent statement from his father raises new questions about his safety and the potential implications of his influence in various domains, including technology, space exploration, and international relations.

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