Bibles Burned in Suspected Hate Crime Outside Tennessee Church on Easter

In a shocking incident on Easter morning, a trailer loaded with hundreds of Bibles was intentionally set on fire outside the Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee. The local police and firefighters responded to the emergency around 6 a.m., managing to quickly extinguish the fire. The Wilson County Sheriff’s Office is treating the incident as intentional, stating that the trailer was deliberately placed and ignited at an intersection near the church, which is located approximately 20 miles east of Nashville. Details remain sparse as authorities continue their investigation to maintain its integrity.

Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church, known for his far-right views and active social media presence, condemned the act and has shared images of the charred trailer and Bibles on social platforms. According to Locke, the church’s security cameras captured a man parking the trailer in front of the church before setting it ablaze. During a live-streamed Easter service, Locke informed his congregation of the incident, describing the perpetrator as unexpectedly polite for leaving his hazard lights on while committing the act. Locke expressed his intent to distribute the scorched Bible pages, though they were seized by authorities as part of the ongoing investigation into the incident, which is being considered as a hate crime with the FBI reportedly involved.

This act of vandalism is not the first for the Global Vision Bible Church; the establishment has been targeted multiple times in the past, including a 2020 incident involving graffiti ahead of an appearance by Roger Stone, a known Trump loyalist. Pastor Locke, a vocal supporter of Donald Trump and critic of President Joe Biden and various other groups, has been a controversial figure, often drawing national attention for his unorthodox views and actions.

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