Kremlin Denies Involvement in “Havana Syndrome” Amid Reports of Russian Intelligence’s Role

The Kremlin has rejected allegations suggesting Russian military intelligence’s involvement in the so-called “Havana Syndrome,” a mysterious ailment affecting U.S. diplomats and spies worldwide. A recent investigation by Insider, alongside 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel, pointed to the GRU’s Unit 29155 being at the heart of incidents that led to U.S. personnel experiencing severe health issues. The report highlighted that key members of the unit had been recognized for their efforts in developing non-lethal acoustic weaponry, fueling speculation about their connection to the syndrome’s onset.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov dismissed these claims as baseless, stressing that accusations linking Russia to Havana Syndrome have persisted without substantial evidence for years. This statement comes despite the Insider investigation’s findings, which also suggest the possibility of earlier attacks dating back to 2014 in Frankfurt, Germany. The ailment, characterized by symptoms such as migraines, nausea, and memory lapses, first garnered attention in 2016 following reports from U.S. embassy staff in Havana, Cuba.

The U.S. Congress responded to the crisis by passing the Havana Act in 2021, allowing for compensation to affected government employees and their families. This legislative action underscores the U.S. government’s recognition of the ailment’s impact on its workforce, even as the origin and perpetrator of the attacks remain subjects of contention and speculation in international relations.

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