Karnataka CM stiffens his stand over ‘Kannada language’
Opening a debate over whether an IAS officer should undergo a language class before assuming a position in a state which has an official administrative language unfamiliar to him, the Karnataka Chief Minister, Siddaramaiah,...
Say ‘Goodbye’ to ‘junk food’; a ‘fat tax’ is coming
Identifying the devastating effects caused due to the excess consumption of ‘junk food’, particularly those introduced by the foreign food products production conglomerates, and taking all proper measures at the right time to save...
Protest emerges over the Brazil’s austerity measures
Denouncing the pension reforms announced by the Brazilian government, tens of thousands of Brazilians have organised strong protest across the country over the austerity measures, which is likely to leave millions of...
Russia sends contestant to Eurovision Ukraine
In a move which can be interpreted either as an effort to reconciliation or as a bid aimed at provocation, the Russian government has decided to send their candidate to the prestigious Eurovision...
Is Congress matured enough to consider Shashi Tharoor as next PM candidate
Paving the way for the emergence of a new, strong, charismatic, national leader from the south having immense experience in the International as well as national affairs, and in an effort to put...
BJP set to form governments in four out of five refreshed states
Without hesitating to invest in each and every opportunity to ‘saffronize’ the Indian society, envisioning the, so called, new India based the empowerment of poor and downtrodden people, and taking adequate measures...
Tusk re-elected as European Council’s supremo despite his homeland’s opposition
The member of the European Council has re-elected the Poland’s representative and incumbent EC President, Donald Tusk, as the supremo of the council once again despite the Warsaw’s opposition. Tusk has received nearly twenty-seven...
Parliament passes Maternity Benefit (amendment) Bill
Offering a series of maternity benefits to the Indian women, a day after the International Working Women’s day, the Indian Parliament has cleared the Maternity Benefit (amendment) Bill. The bill, which is...
EU imposes huge fine on the UK over customs fraud
In what could be termed as a provocative move, the European Union is planning to impose a huge fine of nearly 1.7 billion Euros on the United Kingdome for the customs fraud...
China advises NK to give up provocative weapon tests
In an unusual as well as an unexpected development aimed at achieving global peace, the Chinese government has finally advised its leftist ally, North Korea, to give up its provocative weapon tests,...