Trump Endorses Vaccine Misinformation in Leaked Conversation with RFK Jr.

In a leaked phone call, former U.S. President Donald Trump was captured endorsing debunked conspiracy theories about childhood vaccinations, aligning with third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent figure in the anti-vaccine movement. Trump claimed that vaccines administered to infants to prevent life-threatening diseases could lead to sudden and drastic changes in babies, echoing discredited rhetoric that has been widely debunked by scientific communities.

The 98-second video initially shared and later deleted by Kennedy’s son, Bobby Kennedy III, captured Trump’s voice discussing the issue with Kennedy. During the conversation, Trump urged Kennedy to take action on the matter, although the specifics of his recommendations remain unclear. Trump’s remarks included comparing the quantity of vaccines given to babies to that intended for horses, a statement reflecting a fundamental misunderstanding of vaccine science.

The leaked conversation has sparked swift condemnation, particularly from opponents of Trump and advocates for public health. The Biden campaign swiftly responded, denouncing Trump and Kennedy for spreading dangerous misinformation that undermines the critical need for childhood vaccinations. This incident highlights ongoing concerns about the impact of misinformation on public health efforts, especially amid global efforts to promote vaccination as a vital tool in preventing infectious diseases.

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