Biden included a meeting with AI specialists on his trip to California

Tuesday in San Francisco, President Joe Biden will have a meeting with a group of artificial intelligence specialists and researchers as the government works quickly to allay concerns and worries about the emerging technology.

about Monday, Biden travelled to California and spoke about climate change in Palo Alto alongside Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA). Later that evening, he also went to a number of campaign functions, including a closed-door fundraising gathering.

A number of AI efforts have been launched in recent weeks by the Biden White House, including a thorough “Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights” and an executive order requiring the federal government to “root out bias” in both new and current AI capabilities. The establishment of 18 National AI Research Institutes received $360 million in funding from the Biden administration.

“The President and his staff see AI as a high priority. In recent months, generative AI technologies have proliferated dramatically, and we don’t want to address issues from the past. We are keeping ahead of the issue and addressing it urgently, which is why the President and Vice President brought the top CEOs to the White House with just one week’s notice, according to a White House spokesperson.

They said, “The Office of the White House Chief of Staff is leading a process to swiftly create significant steps we may take over the coming weeks. “In addition to the continuous daily work being done throughout the White House and departments, White House leaders have convened to discuss this subject two to three times a week. Leading AI businesses are being persuaded to contribute resources to overcoming difficulties from both the public and private sectors, according to White House officials.

According to the White House, officials from Stanford University, the University of California, Berkeley, the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, the Centre for Human Technology, and other business associations will also be present at the conference.

As AI is increasingly being used to propagate false information online, Biden’s recent support of the technology has drawn criticism.

In response to a deepfake event that allegedly depicted an attack on the Pentagon, White House spokeswoman Robyn Patterson told reporters, “We remain concerned about an uptick in deepfake videos and manipulated images spreading on social media platforms.” It’s crucial for the media and the general public to be aware of this trend, which we predict to develop at least tenfold as false movies and photographs’ technology advances.

Picture Courtesy: Google/images are subject to copyright
